TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum Demo and Overview with Kenny Aronoff

Hey there! Are you a music enthusiast? Well, get ready to be blown away by the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum. In this video by Guitar Center, the legendary drummer Kenny Aronoff takes us on a demo and overview of this iconic drum, which was recreated to celebrate TAMA’s 50th anniversary.

Known as “The Terminator” for its unmatched performance during recording sessions, the Bell Brass snare drum has left its mark on countless chart-topping tracks by artists like Metallica, Nirvana, and The Offspring. Kenny Aronoff himself, with over 1,300 gold and platinum certified albums under his belt, swears by this drum’s incredible sound and versatility. So, if you’re looking to add that extra bit of edge and power to your drumming, the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum might just be your new go-to option. Don’t hesitate to check out Guitarcenter.com or give their expert gear advisors a call to learn more about this amazing drum.

TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum Demo and Overview with Kenny Aronoff

Table of Contents

Video Overview

Introduction with Kenny Aronoff

In this video overview, we have the privilege of hearing from Kenny Aronoff, a renowned drummer with an impressive career. Kenny introduces himself and his experience in the music industry, highlighting his work with the John Cougar Mellencamp band and his constant search for new drum sounds. He expresses his excitement for the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum and shares his thoughts on its unique qualities.

Kenny’s History with the TAMA Bell Brass Snare Drum

Kenny shares his personal history with the TAMA Bell Brass Snare Drum. He recalls his time with the John Cougar Mellencamp band, during which he was always on the lookout for new drum sounds. When TAMA introduced their first Bell Brass snare drum in the 1980s, Kenny was immediately captivated. He describes it as a unique and impressive drum that stood out in studio sessions. Kenny emphasizes that he can hardly tell the difference between the original Bell Brass snare and the recreation, as they both possess the distinctive sound he loves.

Overview and Features of the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare

Next, Kenny provides an overview of the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum. This snare drum is a 14×6.5″ drum with period-accurate hardware, including a Roller Action strainer with extended snare wires and a One-Touch Tone Control. It also features a hand-finished patina paint job, giving it a unique and stylish look. Kenny highlights the solid construction and its ability to deliver a powerful, aggressive sound that cuts through in rock records.

Kenny’s Thoughts on the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum

Kenny shares his thoughts on the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum. He describes it as one of his top five go-to snare drums for any recording session. He praises its metal construction, which provides a strong attack and aggressiveness, giving the snare drum a distinctive sound that stands out in rock records. He also emphasizes its versatility, mentioning that it fits well in different genres and styles of music.


In the final part of the video overview, Kenny wraps up by encouraging viewers to join him in celebrating TAMA’s 50th Anniversary with the Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum. He highlights the legendary sound and versatility of the snare and encourages drummers to consider adding it to their collection. Kenny concludes by expressing his appreciation for Guitar Center and its availability as a purchasing option for the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum.

History of the TAMA Bell Brass Snare

Commemorative release for TAMA’s 50th Anniversary

To mark its 50th anniversary as a drum company, TAMA has released several commemorative products, including an accurate recreation of the legendary Bell Brass snare drum from 1980. This release is a testament to TAMA’s commitment to quality and innovation, as they pay homage to their rich history.

Legendary status of the Bell Brass snare

The Bell Brass snare drum has attained legendary status in the drumming community. Nicknamed “The Terminator,” it has gained recognition for its exceptional sound and performance. Renowned for its ability to outshine other snares during recording sessions, the Bell Brass snare has made its mark on numerous influential and chart-topping tracks, including Metallica’s “The Black Album,” Nirvana’s “Nevermind,” and The Offspring’s “Smash.”

Nicknamed “The Terminator”

The Bell Brass snare earned the nickname “The Terminator” due to its ability to dominate and surpass other snares in multi-sound comparisons. This nickname speaks to its exceptional sound and the impact it can have in recording sessions. With its powerful and commanding presence, the Bell Brass snare leaves a lasting impression.

Appearance on famous albums and influential tracks

The Bell Brass snare has made appearances on some of the most iconic albums in music history. From Metallica to Nirvana, the sound of this snare drum can be heard on the tracks that shaped entire genres. Its distinctive sound and unique tonal qualities contribute to the overall impact and success of these albums.

Testimony from Kenny Aronoff

Kenny Aronoff, an accomplished drummer with over 1,300 gold and platinum certified albums, shares his own testimony regarding the Bell Brass snare. He highlights its role in his time with the John Cougar Mellencamp band, where he constantly sought new drum sounds. The Bell Brass snare caught his attention in the ’80s, and he was impressed by its ability to cut through the mix with its deep tone and distinctive voice.

Specifications of the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum

Size: 14×6.5″

The TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum boasts a size of 14×6.5″, providing a substantial drum that carries a commanding presence. This size ensures a deep sound and ample projection.

Period-accurate hardware

In line with its commitment to authenticity, TAMA has equipped the 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum with period-accurate hardware. This attention to detail ensures that the snare drum replicates the aesthetic and performance of the original Bell Brass snare.

Roller Action strainer with extended snare wires

The snare drum features a Roller Action strainer with extended snare wires. This mechanism allows for smooth and precise snare adjustment, making it easy to achieve the desired sound and responsiveness.

One-Touch Tone Control

The One-Touch Tone Control is another notable feature of the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum. This control mechanism allows drummers to quickly and easily adjust the tone of the snare drum, giving them more control over the sound.

Hand-finished patina paint job

On top of its exceptional sound and performance, the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum also boasts a hand-finished patina paint job. This unique finish adds a touch of elegance and style to the snare drum, making it visually striking as well.

Kenny Aronoff’s Experience with the TAMA Bell Brass Snare

Recorded with the John Cougar Mellencamp band

Kenny Aronoff’s experience with the TAMA Bell Brass Snare Drum lies in his time with the John Cougar Mellencamp band. During his 17 years with the band, Kenny constantly sought out new drum sounds to elevate their music. The Bell Brass snare drum caught his attention and became a significant part of his drumming arsenal.

Always seeking new drum sounds

As a drummer, Kenny Aronoff is constantly on the lookout for new drum sounds. He believes that different drums offer unique sonic qualities that can enhance the music being created. The Bell Brass snare drum stood out to Kenny due to its ability to command attention and deliver a distinctive sound that cuts through the mix.

Initial impression of the Bell Brass snare in the ’80s

Kenny recalls his initial impression of the Bell Brass snare drum when it was first introduced in the ’80s. He describes it as a “wow” moment, finding the drum to be unique and impressive. The sound of the Bell Brass immediately caught his attention and made a lasting impact.

Comparison between the original and the recreation

Kenny mentions that he can hardly tell the difference between the original Bell Brass snare drum and the recreation. The sound of the recreation is so faithful that it would require a direct comparison and careful analysis to discern any notable discrepancies. This speaks to the accuracy and authenticity of the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum.

Preferred use of the Bell Brass snare in sessions

The Bell Brass snare drum has become one of Kenny’s go-to snare drums for recording sessions. He praises its metal construction and the aggressive sound it produces. This drum allows him to achieve the attack and aggressiveness he seeks, making it a top choice for many of his recording sessions.

TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum Demo and Overview with Kenny Aronoff

Sound Characteristics of the Bell Brass Snare

Metal construction for attack and aggressiveness

The Bell Brass snare drum’s metal construction contributes to its remarkable attack and aggressiveness. This design choice ensures that the drum produces a strong and powerful sound that can cut through the mix.

Distinctive sound of a bell brass drum

The distinctive sound of a bell brass drum is what sets it apart from other snare drums. It possesses a unique tonal quality that can be described as bold, assertive, and commanding. This makes it an ideal choice for drummers who desire a strong and pronounced snare sound.

Cutting through guitars in rock records

In rock records, where powerful guitars dominate the mix, the Bell Brass snare drum excels at cutting through and making its presence known. Its attack and aggressiveness allow it to effectively compete with and complement the guitar-driven sound.

Deep drum with its own sonic space

The Bell Brass snare drum’s deeper tone and sonic characteristics give it its own distinct sonic space. It doesn’t get lost in the mix and manages to carve out a unique presence alongside other instruments. This deep drum adds depth and dimension to the overall sound of a recording.

Versatile for different genres and styles

Despite its powerful and aggressive sound, the Bell Brass snare drum is surprisingly versatile. It can be used effectively in various genres and styles, not just limited to rock music. Its unique tonal qualities and ability to cut through the mix make it a capable snare for a wide range of musical contexts.

Testimonials from Producers and Artists

Bob Marlet’s preference for the Bell Brass snare

Renowned producer Bob Marlet expresses his preference for the Bell Brass snare drum. When working on a Tony Iommi record and an Alice Cooper record, he specifically requested the use of the Bell Brass snare. This professional endorsement speaks to the drum’s exceptional sound and its ability to meet the high standards of producers.

Specific use on Tony Iommi and Alice Cooper records

The Bell Brass snare drum has made appearances on specific Tony Iommi and Alice Cooper records. These notable album credits further highlight the drum’s impact and its ability to contribute to the sonic qualities of these records.

Praise for its cutting ability and aggression

Drummers and producers alike praise the Bell Brass snare for its cutting ability and aggression. Its powerful sound and assertive tone allow it to stand out in a mix and give recordings an extra punch. The drum’s ability to deliver such qualities has made it a favorite among professionals.

Fit in well with rock records

One of the reasons the Bell Brass snare drum has gained popularity is its ability to fit in seamlessly with rock records. Its strong attack and aggressiveness complement the guitar-driven sound and allow it to hold its own against other instruments. This versatility has endeared it to many drummers and producers who work in the rock genre.

Popular choice among professional drummers

The Bell Brass snare drum has become a popular choice among professional drummers. Its exceptional sound, versatility, and ability to cut through the mix have made it a go-to option for many who seek powerful and assertive snare sounds. Its reputation has been solidified by its appearances on numerous influential and successful records.

TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum Demo and Overview with Kenny Aronoff

Availability and Purchase Options

Purchase from Guitar Center

The TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum is available for purchase at Guitar Center. Guitar Center is a well-known and reputable retailer that carries a wide range of musical instruments and gear, including drums and percussion.

Contact expert gear advisors

If you need assistance or advice regarding the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum, you can contact Guitar Center’s expert gear advisors. These knowledgeable professionals can provide guidance, answer questions, and help you make an informed decision about your purchase.

Visit a nearby GC store

Alternatively, you can visit a nearby Guitar Center store to get a firsthand look at the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum. The store environment allows you to explore the drum and experience its sound and quality in person.

Order online at Guitarcenter.com

For convenience and ease, you can also order the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum online at Guitarcenter.com. This online platform offers a seamless shopping experience, allowing you to browse, compare, and make a purchase from the comfort of your own home.


Celebrate TAMA’s 50th Anniversary with the Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum

In conclusion, the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum is a noteworthy release that commemorates TAMA’s 50 years as a drum company. This snare drum holds legendary status in the drumming community due to its impressive sound and appearance on influential albums and tracks.

Experience the legendary sound and versatility

By owning the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum, drummers can experience the legendary sound and versatility that has made it a favorite among professionals. Its metal construction, distinctive tone, and ability to cut through the mix make it a powerful and commanding addition to any drum kit.

Join the ranks of professional drummers

By choosing the TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare Drum, drummers can join the ranks of professional musicians who rely on its exceptional sound and performance. Whether used in recording sessions or live performances, this snare drum is sure to make a statement and elevate the overall sound of any musical project.

Play with a legend. Get your very own TAMA Mastercraft Bell Brass snare drum from Guitar Center. Take a look at this demo of The Drum Doctor playing his original 1980 TAMA Bell Brass snare drum. It’s truly remarkable. Check it out here: [TAMA 1980 Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare…](TAMA 1980 Mastercraft Bell Brass Snare…)

Now, let’s dig into the history of the TAMA Bell Brass snare drum. As part of their 50th-anniversary celebrations, TAMA has recreated the legendary Bell Brass snare drum from 1980. This snare drum, known as “The Terminator,” gained fame for its incredible sound and its presence on iconic albums like Metallica’s “The Black Album,” Nirvana’s “Nevermind,” and The Offspring’s “Smash.”

If you’re a fan of unique drum sounds, you’ll love the TAMA Bell Brass snare drum. It has a rich, deep tone that stands out in any recording session without overpowering the guitars. Kenny Aronoff, a renowned drummer with over 1,300 gold and platinum certified albums under his belt, even considers it one of his top go-to snares for any session.

The TAMA 50th Anniversary Mastercraft Bell Brass snare drum measures 14×6.5 inches and features period-accurate hardware. It also includes a Roller Action strainer with extended snare wires, a One-Touch Tone Control, and a hand-finished patina paint job.

To learn more about Kenny Aronoff and his drumming expertise, you can follow him here: /kennyaronoff

If you’re interested in owning this legendary TAMA snare drum, head over to Guitar Center and get yours today.